Recycled | Composted | Recycled and composted | Residual Waste | Total amount of household waste |
105,223 28.25% |
90,293 24.22% |
195,590 52.47% |
177,200 47.53% |
372,790 |
Who we are
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Waste Partnership (RECAP) works together to continuously improve waste services, increase recycling and reduce waste, finding cost effective and environmentally responsible ways to meet the needs of local communities.
The partnership works together in a number of ways to achieve these goals including:
- manage waste according to the Waste hierarchy to minimise our impact on the environment.
- ensure efficient use of all Waste Partnership resources to provide cohesive, high quality services at minimal cost.
- create sustainable waste infrastructure to meet the long term needs of our expanding population.
- be early adopters by using innovation and new technology that to improve waste performance and reduce cost across the Partnership in a joined up way.
- Communicate and promote clearly the RECAP objectives to effect local change and make a positive contribution to combating climate change.
RECAP formed in 1999 and brings together the following local authorities:
- Cambridge City Council
- Cambridgeshire County Council
- East Cambridgeshire District Council
- Fenland District Council
- Huntingdonshire District Council
- South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Peterborough City Council
Partnership working arrangements
The partnership is made up of a number of working groups, each of which has representation from all of the partnering authorities. Elected Members are responsible for setting priorities and decision making and projects are supported and delivered by Officers with expertise in waste management.
Our Vision
Working ever closer together to deliver the best most cost effective services for the benefit of all local communities in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
The documents listed below set out our vision for the partnership and highlight key projects which will assist in RECAP achieving our targets.
RECAP are awaiting the result of the Resources and Waste Strategy to update our Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy.
Strategy document
- Waste Analysis 2019 - identified 30% of the black bag waste is food waste which could be recycled.
- Recyclable Summer Challenge - working with local children to create story about what happens to recycling.
- Wear it Love it Share it - working with local charities to get textiles out of landfill
- Love Food Hate Waste – engaging local communities to reduce food waste
- As a partnership we have achieved a 52.47% recycling and composting rate
Over the last 20 years, the recycling rate in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough has increased significantly, from 17% in 1999/2000 to over 52% in 2018/19. Thank you for making this happen.
Below are the latest figures for how the partnership is performing when it comes to waste and recycling.
The partnership was awarded Beacon Status 2006/07 and in 2009 was awarded a 'Green Flag' for 'exceptional performance and innovation from which others can learn', following a Government evaluation of services.
The partnership has also received further awards for its individual initiatives, including Green Apple Awards, LARAC and, in 2009, a Government Business Award for partnership trade waste projects.